School is out and so is the sunshine, what a hot one we’re having!
Now that restrictions have been lifted we’re kicking off the summer holidays with our first fundraising event since the start of lockdown. We’re having it on Thursday 22nd July from 10:00 til 15:00 and will be run by our Thursday morning Coffee Den volunteers. It will be a gentle event, we will still be encouraging social distancing and wearing a mask however now there is no obligation to do so.
We have had book swaps before that we have thoroughly enjoyed, it involves bringing the number of books that you take, so bring 5 take 5 for example or leave a donation if you wish to take more. There will be childrens’ books and adult fiction plus non-fiction. There will be tea, coffee and cake and a plant sale.
I will have my face paints and will be wearing a mask and strictly cleaning everything in between each child, using fresh sponges and water each time.
We’re really looking forward to it! lets hope the sun is still shining. See you there!