We’ve been opening the building for a coffee drop in now for a few months, sometimes we have up to 8 people, sometimes only 1 or 2 and sometimes none – I might have frightened people away with my attempt at baking – but we don’t mind this, we’re there in case anyone would like a bit of company and a chat.
We open up at 10, stick the kettle on and then just while away a few hours in our comfy chairs, that’s all really, but I find it really lovely. Usually it’s me and Georgie, and sometimes it’s my Mam sitting in to welcome anyone who drops in and we’re always looking out for other folk who would be prepared to join the rota.
Today it was Georgie sitting in with me and two ladies who came along for a hot drink, and the conversation ranged from gardening to current issues, recipes to individual troubles. Georgie entertained us with her adventures travelling in Europe when she was younger involving citizen strikes, accidentally ferrying diplomat’s papers across borders and copious amounts of Gin. Equally, we learned of the former careers and interesting lives of the people who came to join us.
There’s no substitute for talking, it’s so important to listen and to feel like we’re listened to from time to time. We are continuing to open on a Thursday morning 10-12, please do drop in, the more the merrier.
I might even bring some more scones…..