Our garden party seems like such a long time ago now, it was less than a month ago but it seems like so much has happened since then. The event was fantastic, everyone had such a great time and the snail racing was brilliant fun. They ended up being surprisingly speedy and the races were actually quite exciting! Prizes were won, cake was eaten, crafts were crafted and faces were painted and we raised about £200 to go towards the project so it was a resounding success. Highlights of the day were Gary the African land snail – (see photo below), the impromptu frog race and the lovely gentleman who came up all the way from Manchester just to attend the event.
We have had the weirdest weather over the last few weeks ranging from biblical rain, thunder and lightning to scorching sunshine, all of which is wonderful for the veg. The upshot of this is that some things have flourished but others have shot up far too quickly going to seed before we can sell them. It’s all quite frustrating really. Nevertheless we have managed to start selling our veg boxes which are currently 6 pieces for £8. We are in the poly-tunnel every Saturday morning from 9:30-12:30 selling whatever we have available, keep an eye on our facebook page to see what the contents of the boxes will be each week.
And finally, the most exciting news of all is that we collected two little call ducks today for the garden to keep the slugs down. There’s one male and one female, they are never more than a few inches away from each other and I’m completely smitten. Here they are with their little house and bathtub of water.
They haven’t got names yet, we’re asking for suggestions on Facebook – just not Ducky McDuckface please 🙂