This week is Mental Health Awareness week. Since starting on this project (three years ago gasp!) I’ve had so many conversations with close friends, family and even relative strangers about how mental illness has had a direct impact upon their lives and it is so much more than I ever realised or suspected. We’ve had to do the formal research into the numbers in West Northumberland, but people’s stories are what have really effected me in their numbers and severity. Living in such a small town, we know people who have openly struggled but sadly we also know of far too many who haven’t felt like they can talk to anyone or have anywhere to turn, with such devastating results. This is why we are so determined to create this garden and project, Sam knows first hand how gardening can help a person climb out of depression and if we’re able to involve a few people and give them some space to talk then that will make it all worth it. At the moment it’s messy and it’s slow going, we are doing this around our day jobs, but we are still determined to create this space – so bear with us! Keep talking. Go for a stroll, listen to music, breathe, have a scented bath, share your problems. People love you #mentalhealthawarenessweek
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